Sunday, February 16, 2025 00:08

Good Morning!!

Welcome to Web Site. This is my home on the internet where I try to provide students with additional information for classes. I also provide Information and links for Science, Computers (Hardware and Software), Hobbies, Technology and News. Please feel free to look around and check back. I will update this page with the classes being offered, current news, Link of the month, and Web Tech Notes.

Teaching Info:No classes scheduled at this time

Who is Professor Dan? : I have been teaching at Chapman University since March of 1989, after I completed my Masters Degree in Computer Science. I also have Bachelors Degrees in both Computer Science and Electronics. I have been working in Industry as a Programmer and Designer of embedded systems and PC based Applications / Systems. I have also designed several Microprocessor based embedded systems (hardware and Software) including the designed of the operating Kernel and support Libraries. I enjoy working with embedded systems. I think the main reason for this is that, "It's Software that makes Hardware happen".

Link of the Month: 2005 Pow Wow was held by the San Diego-Imperial Council on October 22, 2005 Info for Cub Scout leaders was presented during that day each participant could attend up to 5 classes. This link will provide class information for all 23 classes. Click here

WEB Tech Note: The use of the new specification for HTML includes something called DHTML or Dynamic HTML. Creating a clock using this specification allows continuous updating as well as a large graphic that was created using only text. Click here to see a demo.

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CS Resources


Microsoft Research

Code Project
Code Guru
MFC Professional

Embedded  Info
Embedded Systems
Embedded C++

Gibson Research Corp
Broadband Reports
AVR Micro Controlers
BG Micro Surplus Parts
All Electronics Surplus Parts

Scientific Resource
Science Daily Magazine
Mad Scientist Net
Sandlot Science
National Geographic
America's Library

Dr Koop

Other Links
The World Fact Book CIA
Urban Legends


Last modified: October 15 2011 01:24:56.